企業(yè) | 聯(lián)系我們 | 阿里巴巴誠信通

            第130屆廣交會(huì )基地宣傳展示活動(dòng)項目

                   2021年10月15日-19日,湛江市新諾飲料設備制造有限公司參加由湛江市進(jìn)出口商會(huì )基地工作站組織在第130屆廣交會(huì )上舉辦的“湛江市小家電(廚房電器)外貿轉型升級示范基地”展示活動(dòng)。次活動(dòng)極好地向現場(chǎng)和線(xiàn)上的客戶(hù)宣傳推廣我司的全自動(dòng)智能咖啡機和全自動(dòng)智能飲料售賣(mài)機等,提升我司在國內外市場(chǎng)的創(chuàng )造力、競爭力和影響力。

                   2021.10.15--19 October, zhanjiang Xinnuo Beverage Equipment Co. , Ltd. participated in the “Zhanjiang small household appliances (kitchen electrical appliances) demonstration base for foreign trade transformation and upgrading” exhibition organized by the base workstation of the Chamber of Commerce of import and export of Zhanjiang at the 130th Canton Fair. This event will promote our fully automatic intelligent coffee machine and beverage vending machine to our customers on-site and online, and enhance our creativity, competitiveness and influence in the domestic and foreign markets.


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