企業(yè) | 聯(lián)系我們 | 阿里巴巴誠信通

            第133屆中國進(jìn)出口商品交易會(huì )



            ?編輯日期:2023-04-15           Editing date: 2023-04-15


              第133屆中國進(jìn)出口商品交易會(huì )于2023年4月15日在廣州如期舉行,新諾公司參展第一期和第三期。

              此次展會(huì ),我司展出自主研發(fā)的最新款咖啡機、爆米花機和茶飲機,受到廣大國內外客商的青睞,紛紛下單拿樣機測試,截止到發(fā)稿日,我司收到國內外客商的意向訂單超過(guò)100萬(wàn)美金。

              同時(shí)4月18日,湛江市商務(wù)局張光強副局長(cháng)率隊蒞臨新諾展位參觀(guān)指導,勉勵企業(yè)要把握住機遇,在廣交會(huì )上搶抓訂單。

              The 133rd China import and export commodities fair was held as scheduled in Guangzhou on April 15,2010. Sapoe participated in the first and third 2023 of the fair.

              At this exhibition, our company displayed the latest self-developed coffee machine, popcorn machine and tea-drinking machine, which was favored by the majority of domestic and foreign customers, we have received more than US $100,000 from customers at home and abroad.

              Meanwhile, on April 18, Zhang Guangqiang, deputy director of the Zhanjiang Municipal Bureau of Commerce, led a team to visit the Xinuo Booth and encouraged enterprises to seize the opportunity to grab orders at the Canton Fair.

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