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            2023年意大利米蘭國際酒店用品展-2023 HOST MILANO



            ?編輯日期:2023-10-17           Editing date: 2023-10-17



              2023年10月13-17日,第43屆米蘭國際酒店用品展(HOST MILANO)在意大利舉行,該展會(huì )是全球餐飲服務(wù)行業(yè)最具影響力的展會(huì ),是世界酒店/餐飲/咖啡行業(yè)的風(fēng)向標。

              The 43th HOST MILANO was held in Italy from 13th to 17th .Oct,2023.It is the most influential exhibition in the global catering service industry and a benchmark for the world's hotel/catering/coffee industry.

              作為國內領(lǐng)先的商用速溶咖啡機和爆米花機品牌,新諾公司此次展會(huì )展示了全新商用全自動(dòng)磨豆咖啡機AURORA和全自動(dòng)爆米花機GIOIA,給廣大客商帶來(lái)全新的體驗。

              As the leading brand of commercial instant coffee machines and popcorn machines in China, Sapoe showed the new commercial full-automatic coffee with grinder AURORA and full-automatic popcorn machine GIOIA in this exhibition, bringing the new experience to the merchants.

              為期五天的展會(huì ),新諾展位人頭涌動(dòng),他們對我司的新品都非常感興趣,特別是我們機器的咖啡出品以及爆米花機所制作出來(lái)的爆米花感到很驚艷。

              During 5 days exhibition, the Sapoe booth was crowded with people. They were very interested in our new products, especially the coffee how to make by our machine and the popcorn produced by the popcorn machine are amazing.

              未來(lái),新諾將繼續秉承“創(chuàng )新永無(wú)止境,承諾始終如一”的宗旨,加大研發(fā)投入,努力為客戶(hù)提供更多更好的產(chǎn)品。

              In the future, Sapoe will continue to adhere to the principle of "Innovation Endless, Commitment Consistent", increase research and development investment, strive to provide more and better products for customers .



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