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            新諾產(chǎn)品亮相巴西消費電子展-Sapoe's Products Came Out to the Electrolar Show in Brazil



            ?編輯日期:2023-07-13           Editing date: 2023-07-13


              七月雖然是南半球的冬天,但圣保羅依然陽(yáng)光燦爛,充滿(mǎn)活力!2023年7月10-13日,巴西國際消費類(lèi)電子及家電博覽會(huì )(Electrolar Show)在巴西圣保羅舉行,該展會(huì )是目前拉丁美洲地區規模最大的消費電子及家電類(lèi)專(zhuān)業(yè)展會(huì )。

              July is winter in the southern hemisphere, but the sun still is shining brightly,everything full of vitality in Sao Paulo.Electrolar Show was held in Sao  Paulo,Brazil from 10th to 13th July,2023.This exhibition is the largest professional consumer electronics and home appliance exhibition in Latin America currently.

              sapoe新諾咖啡機多年來(lái)在南美地區深受歡迎,為了更好地服務(wù)巴西市場(chǎng),新諾公司在展會(huì )上展示了十幾款咖啡機產(chǎn)品,以及全新開(kāi)發(fā)的AURORA商用全自動(dòng)現磨咖啡機,給廣大南美客商帶來(lái)全新的體驗。特別是首次亮相南美市場(chǎng)的GIOIA全自動(dòng)爆米花機,是新諾首創(chuàng )設計,吸引力大批客戶(hù)的圍觀(guān)。

              Sapoe coffee machines have been popular in South America for many years. In order to serve the Brazilian market better, Sapoe shows more than ten coffee machine products during the exhibition, as well as the brand new developed AURORA commercial full-automatic  coffee machine with grinder, bringing new experience to South American customers.Especially the GIOIA full automatic popcorn machine, which debuted in the South American market for the first time, is Sapoe's innovative design and attracts a large number of customers.

              展會(huì )現場(chǎng),前來(lái)我司展位咨詢(xún)咖啡機和爆米花機的新老客戶(hù)絡(luò )繹不絕,很多是我們多年的老客戶(hù)。許多客商對這款帶有投幣功能的AURORA現磨咖啡自動(dòng)售賣(mài)機非常感興趣,深入與我們客戶(hù)經(jīng)理洽談合作細節。來(lái)訪(fǎng)的意向客戶(hù)非常多,不乏有當地的知名餐飲企業(yè)和品牌咖啡銷(xiāo)售商,也有大型電器產(chǎn)品經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商。

              At the exhibition, there was a lots of new and old customers who came to our booth to inquire for coffee machines and popcorn machines, many of whom were our long-standing customers.Many merchants are very interested in AURORA which is table top coffee vending machine with coin operated function, and have discussed the details of cooperation with us in depth.There are many potential customers visiting, including well-known local catering enterprises and branded coffee sellers, as well as large distributors of electrical products.



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